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Updated: Sep 1, 2023

It's hot out there!

And the weather is a bit strange, but summer is still summer! And it can get hot, not just for you, but for your dog as well.

Consider getting a kiddie pool. Nothing blow-up, but a simple preformed plastic kiddie pool.

You may enjoy cooling down at the neighborhood pool, or even in your own pool, or merely by taking a shower. But don't forget about your dog. He or she could enjoy a little water time (not a hose - too cold).

Many dogs enjoy their own pool. They have fun, and often toss in toys. Very refreshing.

Our dog, Freya, doesn't care to lie down in hers, but she enjoys drinking the water, standing in it, and even dropping her big Jolly ball in, letting it fill up with water, then hauling it over to Dad to kick. We have a good laugh last that as the water sprays everywhere.

Of course, my dogs are usually pretty average in size and I buy a pool that fits them, nothing big. I often put it out as soon as the weather begins to warm, and then put it away for the winter before the first frost.

A pool doesn't have to be large, just big enough for your dog to at least stand in it, to cool his or her feet, because they sweat through their feet.

WHERE TO PUT THE POOL: I always try to put the pool in a shady spot or at least a spot where it will have partial shade during the day. I never put it on cement or asphalt - too hot!

NOTE: If the pool is in the sun all day, the water will heat up and not be as pleasurable as being in the shade.

MAINTENANCE: At least once a week, I clean the pool and replace the water. I scrub it out with a broom, hose it down and refill. I don't always fill it to the top. If I have a small dog, I'm only going to put in a few inches . With Freya, I often fill it to the brim now that she's not afraid of the water.

MY DOG IS AFRAID OF THE POOL/WATER: Never force your dog to go into the water or even near it. You will only increase the fear. But by taking baby steps here, you can slowly work around this, but you need to use high value treats tossed into the pool (or even around it on the ground outside, if the dog is that nervous) when there is maybe a quarter inch of water in it. Bribery for the reason/s is good. And don't rush your dog, no matter how beneficial you know the pool is for your dog. Take things very slowly. Work on building a solid foundation.

Going into a kiddie pool or even going near one, should be an enjoyable and high value experience.


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